top health & weight loss book


Breathe In, Breathe Out: 2022’s bestselling practical guide on how to breathe for better sleep, stress management, improved self esteem, and to care for your mental health Hardcover – 21 July 2022

The Sunday Times bestseller

Breathing is a powerful, accessible tool to calm your stress, reduce your pain and manage your emotions.

By following the exercises in this book, you’ll learn how to harness your breath to take back control of your body and mind.

Let’s get started.

Menopause Weight Loss: Live Well, Sleep Well, Stop Hot Flashes And Lose Weight Paperback – 18 Jun. 2022

Are menopause symptoms dominating your life? Putting on weight? Difficulty sleeping? Feeling forgetful? Hot flashes and night sweats? Irritability? Lose weight, eliminate symptoms and get your body and mind back. Here’s how …

The first step is to understand the research – 
what has actually been shown to work for menopausal symptoms. Someone’s story about what worked for them may not be any help to you. Knowing what university and hospital researchers have found will help you. They have found and tested what works for menopausal women like you. That’s why you need this book. It looks at the research and bases its advice on what has been shown to be effective.

There’s lots of advice and unrealistic promises about menopausal symptoms. Much of it is designed to promote particular products or create startling headlines or a great social media post. People don’t care about truth and what is effective, as long as it sells or gets followers.

Don’t be led astray by people who don’t have your best interest at heart. This will just delay you getting control of your life back. Read this book that has realistic, evidence-based information that we know works for women going through the menopause.

It’s explained in ways that are 
practical and easy-to-apply. You’ll get clear, precise advice about what works and how you can use this information in your own life, even if you’ve always struggled in the past with your weight and feeling happy. You may feel menopause has made your life chaotic and you are not in control of your body and mind. Simple changes can put you back in control.

Around 75% of women experience hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms (John Hopkins University, USA and British Menopause Society), so 
you are not alone. But do not accept that nothing can be done about it. HRT is the answer for some women but not everyone.

In “Menopause Weight Loss” you’ll discover:

How simple changes that don’t need willpower can help you lose weight and keep it off

How to sleep soundly, so you wake feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day

How to reduce or even eliminate hot flashes/flushes and night sweats

How to use complementary medicine, flower essences, herbs and essential oils to support you, while understanding what the science says about what is helpful and effective

This book explains complex research in a way that is 
easy to understand and apply immediately. It’s chatty and humorous style of writing conveys these ideas in an enjoyable way.

Get the practical, proven strategies to live well, sleep well, stop hot flashes and lose weight. Scroll up and click on the Add to Cart button.

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